BCB Biometric Credit Bureau becomes awamo GmbH
As part of its formal incorporation BCB rebrands to awamo GmbH. awamo is an acronym made of the initials of Anton Wilhelm Amo (1703-1759) who was born in today’s Ghana. If you are interested in the whole story take a look at it here.
Chief Product Officer and Head of Data Analytics join the team
Roland Claussen, the third co-founder of awamo, will be joining fulltime in October 2015. He is currently working as Head of Portfolio Management at SCHUFA Holding AG. Until now Roland has been working with us in his role as member of our Advisory Board. Lavri Labi from Côte d’Ivoire will be joining as Head of Data Analytics. He is currently finalizing his PhD in statistics and has been working in the German credit scoring space with Sparkasse Rating for more than 6 years.
For more information on our team take a look here.
awamo is looking to expand its IT team
We are looking to expand our IT team. If you are interested in joining or know someone who might be please take a look here:
Former CEO of WestLB (a German state bank) Dietrich Voigtländer joins awamo’s Advisory Board
Dietrich Voigtländer is now working with Berlin Digital Group. Previously he has been CEO of German State Bank WestLB and was a member of the Executive Board of DZ Bank, Germany’s 4th biggest bank in terms of total assets. Learn more about our Adisory Board here.
awamo wins Deutsche Bank as supporter
As part of its corporate citizenship program, Deutsche Bank is partnering with Social Impact gGmbH to match competencies and talent of bank employees with specific support requirements by social startups. The objective of this initiative labeled “Investment Readiness” is to provide expert knowledge on a pro bono basis by assigning mentors with expertise in relevant domains to startups in order to support the high quality development of new social businesses. The core focus of the program is to better position entrepreneurs for the next funding round. In the case of BCB, support covers the areas of organizational development, compliance and risk management. Take a look at our other supporters and partners: www.awamo.com/supporters/partners